Friday, February 09, 2007

Goodbye CBNsat

This is the last informative post on the CBNsat Forum. On Feb 10th CBNsat will be no more and Dialog TV will take its place. On certain FTA television stations teasers are being carried out in view of this launch.

Since its inception CBNsat has been making waves in the pay television industry and brought with it a certain dynamism to the market which has never existed before. All that was short lived when the authorities shut it down under controversial circumstances. After a long court battle which saw the company off air for 6 months, the company was taken over by dynamic mobile phone service provider Dialog Telekom. With the take over the founding chairman Mr. Muhunthan left the ranks and handed the company over to the new management.

This blog which was birthed on June 7th 2006 wishes to thank all the subscribers of CBNsat who were updating this site on a very regular basis and for the support given by all. The formation of CBNsat Subscribers Unite was a very notable feature during the months of the shutdown, since for the first time the subscribers of a service grouped around each other to fight for their rights.

This blog will continue to be online as long as possible and will cater to those who want to know what happened before "Dialog TV" came to being and then eventually we will be taking this blog off line.

The "Dialog TV Forum" is now online at

At the moment the new blog has no features like "commenting" turned on and has a single introductory post. However on Monday 12th Feb 2007 the blog will launched and made fully functional and we invite all our fellow bloggers to continue their interesting conversations on that blog. Till Feb 12th this blog will be fully functional and on Monday all commenting features will be disabled and as soon as the new blog is launched, we will make a post directing all traffic to the new address. We once again request all those who have linked to this blog and have subscribed to the feeds to update their links to the new URL.


619 said...

Good bye CBNSAT
You were our first Digital satellite TV experience.
WE never forget you !!

bank_dude said...

Only HBO, Nick & Vh1 EPGs are working now.