Friday, June 23, 2006

Morning Leader Editorial - 21st June 2006

The following is an excerpt taken off the Morning Leader Editorial - For Full Story Please Click

A typical example of this political-bureaucratic arrogance has been denial to thousands of TV viewers the privilege of watching the Soccer World Cup matches now on in Germany. A greater part of humanity is watching this sporting spectacle on TV but those in Sri Lanka who were entitled to watch detailed coverage of these matches on two private channels have been deprived of this pleasure because the telecommunications panjandrums have forced them to close down because of the problem over a licence issued to these operators. Coverage of these matches on state TV channels has been only in snatches and of a very poor standard.

We are not for a moment commenting on the legality of such action by the authorities. The legal issue is a matter for the courts. But it should be pointed out that the telecommunications bureaucrats should have considered the interests of the public in this issue. They should have been well aware of the public interest in the World Cup matches and could have taken action much before so that the licencing issue could have been sorted out before or after the end of the World Cup series. Not so today’s bureaucrats. Infliction of cruelty on the public for no fault of theirs seems to be an ingrained perversity among them.


Anonymous said...

i am agreeble with the comments

Anonymous said...

Next time these idiots will shut down internet service providers saying that u can watch tv and listen to radio through internet and hence u need a media licence for that.

Is this the type of fools who runs this country ? No wonder that this country is in this state !

They'll ask mobile companies also to obtain media licence because u can watch streamind video on them. State channels are also seen on mobile streaming ! So is this illegal too ?????????

See by going to hide a unjust thing that CID had done to CBN on the orders of Mr. SHITNet and few the whole country is in a mess !!!

Is this RATA PERATA ???????
Or what ????????????/

Anonymous said...

I feel it's neccesary to have access to news 24 hours for people. Electronic media is the fastest in bringing in security updates and news abour natural disastes like tsunamis, floods, hurricanes etc.

Banning TV, RADIO after 10 p.m. or imposing a tax is an idiotic decesion by a foolish minister !